The World Moved to My Home

Reblog from TranslateCluj I was going to write a post about working from home since, you know, this is what we, freelancers, do best. But there are plenty of articles out there discussing this topic, so I changed my mind and this blog post is...

Quality is Your Best Marketing

Reblog from TranslateCluj Marketing is an essential part of any freelancer’s business. No question about it. Nobody knows you exist unless you make yourself and your services known to the world. The internet is literally flooded with blog posts, videos, podcasts, slide decks offering ‘tips...


Reblog from TranslateCluj As freelancers, we are pretty ‘free’, meaning that we have the freedom to organize our work as we see fit. No bosses, no fixed office hours, no internet or messaging restrictions and no dress code. I mean, sure, we have clients, PMs...

Knowledge Does Not Equal Understanding

A very good friend of mine posted a very interesting video one day: If you don't have the time to watch it (although I urge you to), the video is about how a slight change in the design of a bicycle will confuse you so much...

Apel la calm și la mai multă luciditate

Pentru că văd că s-au aprins spiritele foarte mult pe marginea legii de reglementare a profesiei de traducător și interpret judiciar, cred că ar fi bine să ne calmăm puțin și să privim lucrurile mai lucid. Menționez din capul locului că, deși am autorizație...